WorldEnvironmentDay- Do You Know That You Can Save Our Environment By Watching Movies Online?

World Environment Day or WED is celebrated annually on 5th June. It is the United Nations' principal vehicle for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of the environment. With alarming pollution everywhere, increasing population in most of the 3rd world countries, and mass consumption of non-renewable energies have resulted in dangerous global warming. Reports of the Arctic and the Antarctic melting, increasing summer temperature, and occurrence of major cyclones are signs that our environment is not in a good shape.


Many agendas are laid down by the government bodies and many NGOs are also trying to make a change. But a large-scale change is possible only when everyone becomes sensible and compassionate towards our environment and pledge to protect it for the future generation.

The whole of 2020 saw most of the countries shut down everything and that led to a good change in the environment. But just one year isn’t enough to heal the environment of the earth. You can do many things like using natural products at home, less or no usage of plastic, using more solar power, etc. And do you know that watching movies online can also save our environment?

If you are someone who watches movies online more and goes to theatre less, then do the former more. And imagine if 1 in every 1000 persons stays away from theatre to watch movies then also a slight reduction in average carbon footprint is possible. Here’s how watching movies online will help save our environment: -

No paper tickets

Till today many theatres especially in towns or villages follow the old rule of paper tickets. With digitalization, this excess use of paper can be cut down. Watch movies online and stay away from this sin of using more paper. Scout online and locate various apps that offer your favorite movies in full HD to get entertained. Download the free movie watching app, Mzaalo for your android or iOS, and watch Bollywood movies and regional movies online for free. Also, you can win exciting reward coins from brands like JanAid- Panasonic, Simmona, Syska, etc.

No buying of plastic bottles

Most of the multiplex theatres don’t allow you to carry your water bottle. In our tropical summer country, it is important to stay hydrated. So, all of us end up buying water bottles (at high prices) inside the premises and that results in more accumulation of plastic bottles. Many would say, once these bottles are thrown they go for recycling, but the point is if you don’t buy that plastic bottle at all it will help the environment more.

No paper plates for food

It’s obvious that you will eat something while watching movies in theatres. Be it a tub of popcorn or a plate carrying your burger, remember that paper has been used. Papers come from trees and the more you use them, there will be more demand for that, and more trees would be cut down. Even when a single person stays away from such paper plates, it matters a lot.

No use of fuel to go to the theatre

Now the situation is different due to lockdown but in normal times either you have to book a cab, drive your car, or take any other mode of communication to reach a particular theatre - right? If you have a movie-watching app on your smartphone or smart TV, you can save that fuel. So, even if one car doesn’t go out, there will be a slight fraction of less pollution.

Minimal electricity and sound 

To welcome people in theatres, of course, the owners have to make sure that they provide you a well-lit-up corridor, hang-out area, etc. A huge amount is spent on electricity and a proper sound system. So, if we all start watching movies on apps online, imagine how much electricity can be saved and there will be less pollution.

